Health and Wellness Alternatives Public Presentation Schedule
Come learn about a homeopathic perspective on health and wellness. Awareness is a first step to improving the health of yourself and those you care about.

Holistic Health & Wellness
2 hour classes, 1x/week for 6 weeks (Total 12 hours)
Each class includes a one hour power point presentation followed by one hour of activities, stories, Q & A time. Classes are presented as follows:
Week 1 - Health & Wellness Alternatives ~ a homeopathic perspective
For more than 200 years, people have sought the benefits of homeopathy and have found it to be an effective option that has significantly improved the quality of their lives for chronic and acute ailments. These natural medicines have no side effects and act on a deeper level of healing by balancing the mind and emotions which leads to physical health. It is useful for babies, teens, adults, pregnancies, seniors, and pets. Find out how homeopathic medicines can benefit you and your family.
Week 2 - Health After a Pandemic ~ a homeopathic perspective
Homeopathy treats acute and chronic ailments with potentized, deep acting, all natural medicines for balance and healing. Each person is treated as a unique individual with the purpose of stimulating your own body to heal. This PowerPoint Presentation discusses things like 'treating the whole person', 'how not to attract illness to yourself', 'how to feel better after flu-type viruses', and more. Learn which common homeopathic medicines are essential to have on hand for yourself and family.
Week 3 - Suppressive. Palliative. Curative ~ a homeopathic perspective
With so many medicines for so many illnesses, how do we know what is best for our personal health? We'll take a look at what makes medicines suppressive, palliative or curative. Join this interactive discussion about how homeopathically indicated medicines are the only medicines able to produce a cure and reverse disease processes with the natural law of 'Likes cures likes' and how one can recognize curative action with Hering's Law of Direction of Cure.
Week 4 - Follow the Science ~ a homeopathic perspective
Can we find accuracy in medical science? Is it trustworthy? We'll take a brief look at its history with some documented revelations. We'll compare accuracy of the Science of Homeopathy with its history of some documented revelations.
Week 5 - Holistic Pet Healing ~ a homeopathic perspective
Pets respond very well to non-invasive natural medicines. Just like humans, animals exhibit symptoms when they're ill. Symptoms are the language of disease which homeopaths are trained to understand. Learn some signs of the beginning of illness and what basic homeopathic medicines are essential to have on hand for your pet.
Week 6 - Cupping Therapy - Wet, Dry & Fire
An ancient form of alternative medicine, cupping therapy helps with pain, inflammation, relaxation, well-being, and a type of deep tissue massage. Discover some history and differences of wet, dry, and fire cupping, where they can be placed on the body, and how soon to remove them. For those interested, this class has an option to try one cup for dry or fire cupping.
World-wide presentations via Zoom meeting
In-person presentations at your venue (NJ Only)
Private viewings
Small groups
Large groups